PROFESSIONAL CLIENTS. Discover the advantages
M - F: 08:00 - 13:30 | 15:30 - 19:00


  • All the tanks and purification systems that we sell have a series of requirements when they are installed, either due to the nature of the product or for correct operation:
    1. The surface water reservoirs As their name indicates, they can only be installed on the surface, and on a properly leveled concrete slab. (Metal structures or any other method are not valid.) Under no circumstances can they be installed underground.
    2. The burial water tanks As its name indicates, they can only be buried underground, and properly following the installation manual, since a series of guidelines must be taken into account, such as filling the tank at the same time as burying it due to the issue of pressure. A tank for burial should never be installed on the surface.
    3. For the placement of Purification systems:
      1. It is essential to know where the equipment will be installed. According to the Discharge Law, not all septic tanks are suitable for all areas. Depending on where it is to be installed, it will require a series of compliances regarding the level of purification. If the area is not a protected Natural Site and will not discharge into a stream, the septic tank may be installed. MILLENNIUM with a decanter filter and will pour into the ground. You can also opt for a sealed accumulation pit, which once full a truck will remove the sludge. On the other hand, if the pit is going to be installed in a Natural Park or is going to pour into a stream, we need a more complete purification system that complies with the most demanding Discharge Law. For this case we have the models ECOFLO and SMART DUO.
      2. All our purification system models are for burial. In no case can be installed on the surface.


  • All tanks and purification systems that we sell must be transported and unloaded in the manner indicated in the manufacturer's original document.
  • All the documents you need can be downloaded from our official website. ( and once you access this link, select the product in question, or you can request it from our staff to deliver it to you via email or physically.
  • Any product will maintain the warranty in force by law as long as it complies with all these requirements. In no case will the warranty cover a product that has not been installed in the manner/place stipulated in the manuals or in this document.
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